I started this stitchery a few months ago and thought I need to get it finished. I started this at a Stitching Day held at Gum Valley Patchwork back in Sept 2011.... I must say I love the threads Garden Threads and the thread is China Doll...just love it...I need to do the alphabet and the edge should finish it over the weekend
I'll be home for Christmas.......
I also started a stitchery by Rosalie at the same time I am pleased to say I have finished.... a few nights not watching T V.....
Today marks 12 months since abbey's accident...alot has happened...since 4:20pm on the 11th of Feb 2011....Abbey has mad a remarkable recovery..we have had many visits to Melb since she has come home last June... Abbey has been discharged from the Neuro Team at RMH and last week was discharged from the Ortho team...our next goal is to see Prof Olver at Epworth and get discharged but they like to see all patients at 12mths 18mths, 3yrs and sometimes 10yrs just to see what the brain is capable of..Abbey will more than likely at some stage this year resume work...not sure if it will be in the hospitality or her ultimate dream to finish her Apprenticeship...
I will just be chillaxing today not doing to much as I have had the 1st full week at school.
Nathan has also had his 1st full week as a Graduate Teacher in Casterton, I have rang him a few times and each time he has said how he is enjoying the job...like hios 1st pay cheque also...I think he will frame that one..
Yesterday saw Ben compete in the local Tech school swimming sports....3 1st places in Swimming, Backstroke and The Relay... he was however disqualified for swimming the whole length of the 33mtr pool underwater when he should have been doing Butterfly...he could see the funny side as he won the race and the others were still coming down the pool... he has a weird sense of humour that one Yr12 does strange things to them...he is off to Cricket in Mortlake...then tomorrow morning at the local Bakery as Cake Decorator.....
Enjoy your weekend with your loved ones
Good week all round, Ben holding his breath for that long is a miracle also, pity he didn't get to be the boy champ.
wow Abby has come such a long way from that moment........it's the family support she has had that has helped her along the way too........welldone......lovely stitcheries..........
Abbey has come so far this past year....YAY Abbey!!!
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