This is a snippet from my daily Diary whilst Abbey was in R.M.H and Epworth.
This may distress some people.
March 29th 2011 Easter
Oh you sprung up outta bed when I showed you a pic of the boys. Fire Brigade Stevie you Yelled!!!! OMG
You are wanting to walk without the walker bad idea I keep telling you.
Lunch in the dayroom you didn't like the pudding or soup.
Psycologist came at 3.30ish we were in the Dayroom at Epworth 3NC. Your score today for PTA Test is 4/123.
March 18th 5 weeks after
Dad, Ben and Nan and Pa coming today.
Nana is bringing lunch.
Visiting hours are Weekdays 4-8pm
Weekend 12-8pm
You are very tired.... You called Ben 'Puddleduck' you have not called him that in years. Smiles for Dad and Nana, Maddy and Tooms visited you.....
February 18th 7 days after accident
I was jumping with happybeans this morning as they are thinking of bringing you out you are only on 'propofol'.
Baby steps with your taking off.
Getting more sleep
Dad and I went for a walk with Mr G and Jan.
I have a sore throat :(